Surgical razors and regular razors are different in several aspects: surgical razors are used by medical personnel, not by the patient, and they are used to shave different areas of the body. Therefore, they are not designed the same way.


Here are the key aspects of  surgical razors:


Main part:

§            Cast handle which cannot come apart for more safety.

§            Built-in comb to shave long hairs: the razor can be used on any part of the body (hair, pubis…)

§            Longer handle: more convenient for nurses to use.

§            Cutting angle: the cutting angle on  razors takes into account the fact that medical razors are used by specialized personnel, not by the patient.



§            Single blade: the hairs don’t get stuck - with double blade razors, they get stuck between the blades.

§            Double edge: better cost/efficiency ratio - you can shave a large area with one razor only.

§            First quality stainless steel, special sharpening for medical use.


Biodegradable material:

§            Can be sterilized with ethylene oxide.

§            Material is non-toxic and biodegradable.

§            Insensitive to temperature changes: razors can be stored anywhere.



Technical Specifications